Information for Presenters

There are three options to present your work at ASAB Spring 2024

  • Poster
  • Lightning Talk (five minutes)
  • Standard Talk (fifteen minutes)

Abstracts for posters or talks will be submitted during registration for the event.

Selection Process

Presentations will be selected based on the submitted title and abstract only (blind to speaker identity), which should be clear and concise (200 words maximum) and consist of:

  • Brief background
  • A clear question / aim
  • Brief methodology
  • Overall results
  • Conclusions / significance

Please note that while we have limited space for talks, all rejected talk submissions might be offered a poster slot. Please also indicate in the registration form if you would like to give a flash talk instead of your poster.

We welcome speakers to deliver their talks in the language with which they are most comfortable, but we ask that your abstract and the text on your slides be in English.

Standard Talks

Talks should be 12 minutes long, which allows 3 minutes for questions and discussion as each slot is 15 minutes. Presentation slides should be saved in PowerPoint (.ppt) or PDF (.pdf) format on a flash drive which you should bring on the day. The presentation will be on a Windows machine.

Flash Talks

Flash talks should be 5 minutes long. There will be no questions, as the flash talk acts as an advertisement for further discussion. Flash talks typically consist of a single slide.
Presentation slides should be saved in PowerPoint (.ppt) or PDF (.pdf) format on a flash drive which you should bring on the day. The presentation will be on a Windows machine


Posters should be A1 or AO (59.4 cm x 84.1 cm), and in portrait orientation.
The poster sessions will take place on days two and three, for more information see our programme.

Research Ethics

Presenters/authors must declare that all work has been carried out in accordance with ASAB/ABS’s Guidelines for the Treatment of Animals in Research. We will not consider for presentation any research that failed to adhere to the highest standards of animal welfare, and may contact authors for clarification before considering a submission. Note that these Guidelines are often more exacting than what is merely legal, such as the housing conditions of social species. If your research was invasive and/or experimental, there is a space on the registration form for clarifying how these standards were adhered to.